Photography Workshop

Learn to Light - Lighting Essentials

An Introduction to Off-Camera Flash

By Brodie Butler - Supported by Camera Electronic

[ $495 EARLY BIRD PRICE  - $550 ]
9am - 5pm | Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Gnangara, Perth

[Terms & Conditions]



Learn to Light Series Presents:

Lighting Essentials 

Capacity: 9 Students
[Terms & Conditions]

This workshop is targeted at photographers and content creators who want to explore the world of off-camera lighting with an emphasis on flash.  We will be using flash in this workshop but a lot of what you will learn is applicable to any type of lighting such as LED's, and we will talk about the pro's and cons of each. 

If you struggle using flash, have never used flash, or just want to improve your lighting game in general, this workshop is for you. I have had complete newbies all the way to professionals attend in the past. 

A workshop isn't a workshop if you're not getting your hands dirty. So once you have seen me do a demonstration, you will get to shoot 3 models in 3 different scenarios with your own camera under my guidance to add some amazing new shots to your portfolio.

There is a structure and a schedule to my workshops but I am a very laid back person, and my workshops are designed to offer more of an informal, relaxed experience. So ask questions, have fun, and enjoy yourself.

Get hands on with the equipment! 

At this workshop I will have both Godox & Profoto lighting equipment for you to use. See which one you like before you make an investment!

I will have triggers (on-camera transmitters) to fit the hot-shoe of Canon, Sony & Nikon cameras.  (if you have another type of camera that has a hot-shoe that is not compatible with these let me know. You will not need ETTL, you will only need a hot-shoe that fits. 

Equipment supplied with the help of Camera Electronic

Learn to Light Series

What Will I Learn? 

The topic of conversation is off-camera lighting with a focus on flash. We will have a look at how I would conduct a photoshoot and how I setup, shape, balance and control light in my portraits. We are going to look at camera settings and shooting with correct white balance as well as exposure. 

You will learn to balance flash with ambient light! 

This is the big one that everyone struggles with, so we will definitely explore my pre-shot routine to help you balance flash with ambient light.

We will explore all the different lighting modifiers and when to use them. You will get to experience shooting within the limitations of your sync speed as well as above your sync speed with the HSS (High Speed Sync) feature and why you would use each method.

I'll run through all the basics of light and flash and how it shapes everything we do. 

We will not be using any ETTL systems, this will be all manual lighting with manual settings. It's easier than you think!

It's very difficult to squeeze so much into just one day, so I really hope you come prepared with some questions to help me steer the education in your direction. I have tried to make the day more about you getting hands on and shooting, rather than listening to me talk all day. So be ready to take photos!

  • Lighting equipment (incl. flashes and light meters)
  • Flash vs LED's
  • Understanding the characteristics of light
  • Reverse engineering light
  • The 5 variables (shutter speed, aperture, ISO, flash power, flash to subject dist.)
  • Inverse square law (don't worry, no math required)
  • Types of light (main light, fill light, rim light etc)
  • Correct white balance
  • When and how to use modifiers and reflectors
  • Hard light vs soft light and when to use both.
  • Specular vs Diffused light
  • Lighting types (broad lighting & short lighting).
  • How to balance ambient and flash
  • Using High Speed Sync vs Short Flash Duration
  • How to make your subjects pop
  • Using the modelling light.
  • Posing techniques
  • and more!

Lighting Essentials

What do I need to bring? 

- Your digital SLR or Mirrorless camera with a hotshoe.

- Your lenses (anything in the 24 - 150mm range)

- Your memory cards

- Make sure your batteries are charged! (don't laugh, it's happened before)

- You must know the basics of how to use your camera in manual mode. eg: adjusting your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

- A smile and a fun attitude!

Lighting Essentials

What is included? 

  • Full day stuck with me; Brodie Butler.
  • 3 Incredible models to shoot. 
  • Perths best content studio location
  • Images to use in your portfolio
  • Plenty of water & soft drinks all day 
  • Lunch provided (Subway)
  • Lots of equipment to try supplied by Camera Electronic.
  • Giveaways & Door Prize
  • My Lighting Secrets eBook (RRP: $27)
  • My Gear Guide eBook (whats in my bag & why)


Lighting Essentials

The Models 

I always provide professional models that know what they're doing, so all you have to worry about is the lighting. You don't need to worry about directing an inexperienced model. 

Model 1:

Model 2:

Model 3 TBA


Learn from a Master. 

Brodie has a career behind the camera spanning almost 20 years and has been running workshops since 2010. 

Who is Brodie?

Lighting Essentials


9:00am - 9:15am: 
Pre-workshop banter & introductions

 9:15am - 11:00am
Brodie waffling on about lighting, equipment, settings, posing and all things off-camera flash.

 11:00am - 12:00pm
Brodie's Live demonstration, while he waffles on more.

12:00pm - 12:30pm
Lunch break (Subway)

12:30pm - 1:30pm
Shooting ROUND 1 (approx. 20 mins shoot-time each)

1:30pm - 2:30pm
Shooting ROUND 2 (approx. 20 mins shoot-time each)

2:30pm - 3:30pm
Shooting ROUND 3 (approx. 20 mins shoot-time each)

3:30pm - 4:30pm
Brodie waffles on again and gives a recap and a few extra closing notes. Plus Q&A.

Allowed additional time incase we run over time and for more Q&A. 

Schedule is subject to change, but what won't ever change is the learning material, and how much time you get to shoot. 

Lighting Essentials

What the industry has to say... 

Howard Frank

Director at Camera Electronic

"I have known Brodie for 14 years & he has the hard earned reputation as one of Australia’s leading exponents of lighting for professional photography.

Brodie is also a great educator and all round professional."




Tik Tok Guru

"Brodie has proven time and time again to be an industry leader in lighting his subjects.

His attention to detail is admirable and I take great comfort in knowing that a shoot will look incredible every time he is in charge of lighting it up."


Kym Peacock

Professional Imaging Sales Consultant

"Simply one of the best I have seen when it comes to shaping light around a subject. You could not be in better hands. The way Brodie balances studio light with natural in his shoots is absolutely flawless & his knowledge and understanding of light is second to none. To put it simply; a master at his craft."

Lighting Essentials


Lighting Essentials Workshop



9am - 5pm
Gnangara, Perth

Proudly supported by:


I'm in for the next one, keep me posted!

If you cant make it to this one, I'll let you know when the next one is ready!